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The Holy See weighed in on the topic of climate change yesterday with a statement to the United Nations Climate Summit.

Calling climate change "unequivocal" and saying that "prudence must prevail," the Vatican's Secretary of State, His Eminence Pietro Cardinal Parolin, delivered a statement that touched on issues important to Catholic Social Teaching. The statement also issued a warning: it will take more than politics and economics to engage modern ecological crises.

The statement was similar to a 2009 address by Benedict XVI, also to a UN climate gathering.

Statement by His Eminence Pietro Cardinal Parolin
Secretary of State
United Nations Climate Summit 2014
New York, 23 September 2014

Mr Secretary General,

I am pleased to convey the cordial greetings of His Holiness Pope Francis to all those here present for this important Summit, which has gathered together high governmental and civil officials, as well as leaders from the private sector and civil society, in order to identify significant initiatives that will address the concerning phenomenon of climate change. It is well known that climate change raises not only scientific, environmental and socio-economic considerations, but also and above...

What did God make? EVERYTHING! How did he make it? GOOD!

Imagine that famous protest chant retooled with those words? How would it sound cried out from clusters of Catholics in Sunday’s People’s Climate March in New York City and around the world? After all, why not add the voice of the baptized to shake things up?

Then again, Sunday, September 21st and the days after may not need shaking up. Its climate marches, gatherings, talks, protests, and vigils around the world—all in anticipation of Tuesday’s United Nation Climate Summit in New York—are already getting attention.

So how will Catholics join in? And what can we add? Here are some ideas:

  • Start with Mass. New York's St. Columba's parish, 343 West 25th Street, will be offering its 9:00 a.m. Mass Sunday for a pre-march encounter with the Lord. God bless them for doing so.
  • Join up with the Franciscan Action Network, which is taking a Catholic lead in the march. (If you'll be in New York, look for the FAN banner among the Catholic contingent on 58th street.)
  • Pray the Rosary while marching. Pray it alone or preferably with a great many others.
  • ...

Events across the globe will celebrate the Feast of St. Francis while helping the Church help others help creation.

If you'd like to organize your own gathering, check out the Catholic Climate Covenant for excellent resources.

And check out my September column in the Rhode Island Catholic to see what's happening here in Providence. Perhaps you might wish to use it as a model. Events like this are relatively simple to put together and offer a nice blend of faith, reason, church, state, and the necessary information to build up the common good.

Sound good? If so, here's the opening of my column:

Dioceses and religious groups around the United States have increasingly been turning to solar energy, thanks to advances in technology and better financing. We’ve seen this just over the Massachusetts border where a sizeable solar farm is providing clean energy for the Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey in Wrentham.

More recently, a few pastors in the Diocese of Providence, like mine, are seeking solar solutions for their parish operations. And there is preliminary interest within other Catholic circles, too.

To begin explaining how solar energy can work at your parish or your home, the


Manila’s Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle opened the “Season of Creation” on September 1st with a Mass celebrated at the National Shrine of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Baclaran, Parañaque City. In it, he offered some of the most impassioned environmental words to date by a Prince of the Church.

Indeed, from the archbishop to the archdiocese’s environmental minister Lou Arsenio, to lay faithful, religious, and clerics taking part in the Season, the Catholic Church in the Philippines is making a commanding statement not just in its own nation but very far beyond its borders.

The Philippine Daily Inquirer chronicled the archbishop’s homily, which stressed the Catholic role in environmental appreciation and protection.

“God’s creations should be given importance and not taken for granted,” he said.

“We should be thankful for the sunrise, sunset, flowers, grass and rivers, among others.” He added that “[s]adly, for some people they seem to be ordinary and go unnoticed.”

He said that Filipino Catholics “should be awed and celebrate all creations of God.” Like Pope Francis and his predecessors, the archbishop called for changes in lifestyles so that humanity lives in accord with the laws of nature.

The archbishop then stressed...

@Pontifex: “I pray every day for all who are suffering in Iraq. Please join me.”

Pope Francis sent this Tweet yesterday to engage the sins that we see with the power of prayer that we don’t. He did not demand that we march, sign petitions, or publish lengthy treatises. He simply asked that we turn to our Father for help.

There is nothing wrong with marches, petitions, or treatises. And certainly, the pontiff doesn't expect us to only pray passively in light of the violent sins of others. Activism is necessary for life in our fallen world. But marches, petitions, and what have you are not ends to themselves. Nor are they effective without the credentials of holiness and the grace of God.

With the coming this month of another United Nations conference on climate change and other international and local environmental activities, many in the environmental community—Catholics among them—are gearing up for a worldwide series of climate marches and other events that seek to slow the accelerating erosion of our planet’s ecosystems and its climate.

God bless all these activities and all who sacrifice to make them possible. But I must suggest that those of us...

Planning to comment on EPA’s Clean Power Plan rules—or any environmental rule or proposal, national or local? Then you might want suggestions on doing it really well.

Last week I asked colleagues about what tips might make for better, more helpful, exceptional public comments. I also asked about what commenters should avoid. In all, we came up with 10 tips that can help you help us help the common good.

  1. When it comes to a scientific review, “petitions are meaningless and only create paperwork.” That came from one manager who noted that the review process for an environmental regulatory process is often science-oriented. "It’s not political, so a demonstration of a large group of people opposed to a project is not a factor" when determining the objective, scientific weight of a matter. In general, a letter or petition signed by multiple parties is treated as one letter of comment. Of course, sometimes it is helpful to weigh the frequency of this or that particular comment. But given today’s automated systems for signing and sending petitions and letters, those sorts of submissions don’t carry the bang you expect for the buck of your time.
  2. That said, we do
  3. ...


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About the Blog

Catholic Ecology posts my regular column in the Rhode Island Catholic, as well as scientific and theological commentary about the latest eco-news, both within and outside of the Catholic Church. What is contained herein is but one person's attempt to teach and defend the Church's teachings - ecological and otherwise. As such, I offer all contents of this blog for approval of the bishops of the Church. It is my hope that nothing herein will lead anyone astray from truth.